Our oceans are facing drastic changes according to scientific prognoses. Rising sea levels, higher water temperatures and growing acidification are just some of the challenges, marine life currently has to fight.
These changes are partially caused by natural fluctuations, but humanity is accountable for the momentousness of these challenges. As a result of those changes, the ocean’s biodiversity is encountering bold shifts and, in the long term, so is humanity.
Triggered by in parts dystopian scientific prognoses I am creating my very own future vision of how the marine biodiversity and ecosystems might change in the future.

Our oceans are facing drastic changes according to scientific prognoses. These changes are partially caused by natural fluctuations, but humanity is accountable for the momentousness of these challenges. This project is exploring the history, contemporary development and future potential of the connection and disconnection between humanity and the ocean.
The hypothesis is, that mankind might be able to reconnect with nature through a sublime experience. A sublime experience is not something that can be created, but which one has to stand open for to perceive. However, one can help sharpen other’s minds to realize encountering these sublime moments. If humanity would reconnect with the ocean and win back an understanding on how dependent we are on marine ecosystem services the value and respect for the sea would rise. The practical research results in a collection of body objects that synergize man made elements with marine life structures and textures. Aiming for a high accessibility and a sensitization of a wide range of people, the body objects are designed to be wearable and approachable.